Eleanor's Easter Bunny Bunting
Looking for something crafty to occupy yourself this weekend? Why not make our Easter bunting and fill your home with some Easter cheer. Our next make is from Happy Potter's Eleanor and you can join her in making them from the comfort of your home!

Eleanor has worked at the shop for the last 3 years, becoming a 'Saturday girl' after completing her work experience. Eleanor has just finished her Art foundation at Camberwell UAL. She's literally amazing at all things arty.
For this one we have a little downloadable PDF of the bunny & chick shape. You will also need to have watched our pompom tutorial video to make the tails (below)!
What you’ll need:

-Card/paper to print your bunny and chick template onto.
-Things to decorate your bunnies and chicks with (I used coloured pens, but wrapping paper, buttons, feathers and glitter would look cute too!)
-Different coloured wool for your pom-poms
-A fork and some floss/ thread to make your pom-poms
-Glue to stick your pom-poms onto your bunny’s and chicks
-Some ribbon, thread or string to thread your bunnies and chicks onto
Step 1: print out the bunny and chick template onto some card or paper (PDF of these templates below), or draw your own Easter animals for your bunting!
Step 2: decorate your bunnies and chicks- I used coloured pens but you could use patterned wrapping paper, feathers, buttons or glitter to decorate them!
Once you are finished decorating, cut them out.

Step 3: make your pom-poms for your bunny’s tails, and to make your chicks look super fluffy! For this you’ll need a fork, some coloured wool, and some floss or thread.
Pom-pom video tutorial:
Once you have made these, glue them onto your animals.

Step 4: poke 2 holes with a needle (or a hole-punch) at the top of each animal (this is so when we thread them onto the ribbon or string, they face forwards and don’t move around). Then finally, thread your animals onto your ribbon or string!
